Friday, January 2, 2015


This sums up my feelings perfectly!!!!!.......Had a good holiday but now I am ready to see all the lights and trees put away for another year.  It is sunny and clear out today .......and freezing cold.  Got my bills mailed, condo fee paid, went to the bank and stopped to pick up my mail.  Went to lunch with  Panniers and Bill and Nicci before they went to see the new baby one more time before taking off for home....Minneapolis.  Really enjoyed the week with the kids....... movies, good meals, putting a puzzle together and just hanging out.  I have a feeling the next two or three months are going to be very long and dull......waiting to get my house built and the old one cleaned up and sold.
HOWEVER......At any moment you have the power to say......THIS IS NOT HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO END!  so time will tell.
She makes me smile as she plays hide and seek on the Temple Grounds.

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