Thursday, January 8, 2015


Yep......another Christmas Party......even though it was the 8th of January!  Beings the Christensons got snowed out when we had our family party in SLC and missed it we brought the presents back to vernal and had a nice big ham dinner last night....dressed up in our Christmas shirts and opened's all about being together.  Being homeless isn't all bad, I got in on the family party......Cooks Christmas Eve.....Panniers the 27th after Nicci and Bill got to SLC and last night in Vernal with the Christensons.  Picked up yarn yesterday and started a Christmas Sock for Aaron at Rob's request and will do one for Bill and Lindsay.   Can't believe how many of those Christmas socks I have made for the family and extended family.
It is a beautiful day in Vernal and I know I should feel guilty for enjoying it so much.....I think it is time for Arizona, Nevada and California to start having snow to supply us with water!!!!!  I don't like cold, icy winters any more.  Went to lunch with some of Darren's employees to celebrate Donna's birthday.

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