Monday, January 26, 2015


REMEMBER.......AS FAR AS ANYONE KNOWS.....WE ARE A NICE NORMAL FAMILY..........So nice to see this grandson maturing and growing into a great man.  He gave a wonderful talk in church yesterday and about how many times in his mission he was on the edge of a cliff not knowing which way to go and God always came through and showed him the way.....well I can tell you I am on the edge of my cliff hanging onto a very thin vine......and have decided to swing out on it and let my family know I'm almost done with their fighting and disagreeing on everything and get my house on the market.   I went and
 bought some gloves today so I can clean up the back yard  and do a few more things.  Nothing is worth the problems that moving out has caused in my family......I hate it......!
Now, my next question is........WHAT IS NORMAL?..........after an after noon with my bridge group ladies I come home and would not want to change my problems with theirs......sick kids, grouchy husbands ,fighting among  their kids and families and, health problems, bad neighbors etc. MAYBE......just maybe, everyone has a normal family........ for them.
Pam just told me Darren is sending home a new phone for me as they switched companies and so now one more thing to master???????  WHERE IS THAT VINE??????

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