Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Still hanging out in Vernal.....I am suppose to be baby sitting but tell you the truth they boys are doing most the baby sitting......they are taking very good care of is cold and miserable outside but it is at least not foggy up here today.  Just sitting around and knitting guess that is what you do when you get ever I have a few complaints to make......As I write this my stairs are getting steeper, bags of groceries heavier and things are getting farther away.  Yesterday I walked to the corner and was dumb founded to discover how long my street has become!  And people are becoming less considerate  and speak in whispers...If I ask them to speak up they get right in my face and mouth the words as if I am a mind reader or a lip reader.
Also the clothing manufacturers are changing.....why do they label a size small..... extra large and they fit perfectly?  And the people that make bathroom scales are pulling the same kind of pranks on they actually think I believe those numbers?  HA.....I would never let myself weight that much!
I find that most people my age look much older than I.....I looked closely at my reflection in the mirror.....well, what can I say?  Even mirrors aren't made the way they use to be.......And, the telephone company takes the cake...with glasses and a magnifying glass you still can't read the directories any more and the News papers aren't much better.
All I can do is pass along a warning "WE SENIORS ARE UNDER ATTACK!"........This world wide conspiracy is rapidly spreading among my friends and we must do something fast!
RICHIE will be home from his mission a week from today....YEA!

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