Saturday, January 10, 2015

SO PROUD........!!!

This may well be one of the proudest days of my life.  Son-in-law Robbie gathered the grand-children in town to help remodel my condo to sell......He planned it very nicely with crew shirts, hats, gloves and goggles......And called it HABITAT FOR GRAMMIE.......  Karrie's two kids Andrea and Scottie....Sherrie's two Ken and Alex plus Alex's new wife, Lindsay and Pam's two Will and Tiff's husband, Scott represented her as she just had a baby. Brayden and Richard are on missions and Nicci lives in Minnesota! First I am blessed to have 9 wonderful grandchildren and second blessed they love me and care enough to pitch in when Robbie summoned them to help out and save some time and money......  Robbie said they were the greatest and treated them to lunch.  I am sure Pam was there taking pictures and helping out.
My heart is so full of love and gratitude for my great family........I truly do believe...."What you sow so shall you reap"....I have tried to always make them proud of me, to let them I know how much I love them and how proud I am of everyone of them......of course having good, loving and caring parents....... (my girls)...... has a lot to do with it!

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