Tuesday, September 30, 2014


  Well here we are ......the last day of September......the Fall flowers are so pretty but the frost will get them soon.  The yellow of Sun Flowers make me smile.  I am spending a very quiet day in Vernal.....boys off to school and work.  Alex not feeling good......hope Ken doesn't get it.  A bright spot in my day started off with 8 beautiful deer wandering across the field next to Sherrie's house......on their way to the lake I guess.  Long email from Brayden and Richard yesterday......so great to hear from or about them each week. 
Been thinking there must be a formula for happiness like.......Every day, do some things you need to do.....but not your whole list......something you want to do......can't do chores all the time!  Then something that will help you make your dreams come true like cleaning closets, drawers or cupboards that get rid of so much stuff that just seems to creep in one thing at a time over the 27 years I have lived in my condo. Dreading the thought of moving, but the girls seem pretty firm and determined I need to.....NOW!

Monday, September 29, 2014

LET IT GO......

  "LET IT GO"     Whatever someone has done to you is going to be........Attracted right back to them at some point!  You are not involved in this process.......It's simple law of attraction.....Stop carrying it around and let the universe take care of it........Good, Bad or Indifferent.....Their stuff.....Their lesson."  I found this quit a comforting thought and will work on it.........
What if your life has lots of excitement, but you're never relaxed or content? Or visa versa?  You are the only one who can judge where you are in life......Many people are mostly promotion or mostly prevention and are happy that way.  So check your status.....I find that life has become more about pursuing peace and contentment than being pumped up and excited about everything......and find there is nothing wrong with that as I age. I don't feel I am missing out on happiness; my happiness has evolved, just as I have........  Marriage, babies, travel etc. I have done a lot........And even though this new version might seem a bit more low-key.....and it is..... that doesn't mean it's less wonderful or any less satisfying.  It simply means that I am coming to terms with my age, aches and capabilities......and enjoying all the good stuff I still have going on in my life.....like going to lunch with my second grandson today.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


  Well, here I am baby sitting and nothing much to do.....the boys are 21 and 16 and are really taking care of me!  So I eat to pass the time......I know how this poor lady feels.  A two pound box of candy should never make you gain 5 pounds, but if you added a few cookies and chips along with it......maybe??
Good words from a massage therapist who has seen a lot of naked bodies......adults sag......it doesn't matter how fit they are.  Every decade, an adult sags a little more.  All the tissue hangs a little looser and they wrinkle too.  He does not know who started the rumor that just old people wrinkle because as soon as you are grown  it starts and continues as long as you live. Lean people have a kind of rawboned, unfinished look about them that is very appealing.  But they don't have plump round breasts and a plump round behind.....and those who do also have a plump round belly and plump round thighs as well.  Woman have cellulite....all of them.  It's dimply and cute and not a defect,   Men have silly buttocks.   They are kind of scrawny and the tissue is jumpy because it's unpadded; not attractive at all.....So now I feel a little better about the strange things going on in this 82 year old body......I'm normal!
Enjoying a lazy day with my boys.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Back in VERNAL......

 Up early and Alex's cute fiancĂ©, Lindsey, picked me up and we headed out to Vernal where I will stay this week and keep things moving around here.  I am staying in Brayden's room and there are so many reminders of him in there......I miss him so much, he was very special to me, but know he wanted to go on the mission so much.    Today is Lindsey's mother's birthday and she was coming home from college to surprise her and take her out to dinner.....of course, Alex is in on it and they insist I go with them to dinner as Kenney is staying over with a friend tonight......she has a great mother.  It is fun to watch two young people in love and remembering when......so many years ago.  Sherrie called and was in Atlanta waiting for their flight to Peru......I am excited for them.
I hurt so bad today......don't know if it is the weather, stress of the thought of moving, not exercising enough or what?  Maybe a week without the stairs will help my knees. Enjoying this beautiful fall weather and the green fields and pastures with the horses and cows also enjoying the weather.  This house has many pretty views. 
(Mahatma Gandhi]

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I am starting to believe nothing in life is all bad.......take for instance slowing down and hurting when you walk.....well some of our little ones out there look at it much differently.....so should we.  Yes, when you are shuffling, hobbling, limping along it definitely gives you time to take in the world around you......so do!  Went to a movie a few weeks ago with my two youngest grandsons......the 16 year old is 6'4" and the 13 year old is 5'4".....I am about 5"2".......well with one on each arm I found I was moving at a unbelievable pace.....no holding hands and strolling with those two......my feet were hardly touching the ground?  The poem is cute and gives you something to think about.   Beautiful, beautiful Fall day......going to stain a baby cradle I got at the garage sale for Tiffany and trying to clean out closets and drawers.......they really need it ........move or not.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


As I look back I wonder how I faced some of the things I got through.....divorce final, dog put down and my Mercedes died and had the bumper and oil pan pulled out....all in one day and then finding........ taking out a mortgage.......... and moving into a new condo with two 18 year olds in college.  I learned about mortgages......paying income tax, quarterlies and house taxes......... and income tax.  I learned how to sell and buy cars for the girls and I......  Yes, there are many battles in my life I hoped I would never have to face or cross.....a lot of shoulda....wouldas......couldas in the past 28 years, but with faith and prayer......I am doing good.  I like the rules of life I saw ......1.  Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.  CHECK   2.  What others think of you is none of you business.  CHECK  3.  Time heals almost everything, give it time.....TRUE  4. Don't compare your life to others  and don't judge them.  You have no idea what their journey is all about. CHECK  5.  Stop thinking to much....it's alright not to know all the answers.  They will come to you when you least expect it.  CHECK  6.No one is in charge of your happiness......but you.  CHECK  So hang in there and never give up hope and have faith.  Right now I am in the middle of should I sell my house and look for a place on ground level with no yard, stairs and laundry on the main floor?????  They worry and I appreciate their concern......just I'm old and tired and hurt lots and seems like a huge thing.......maybe in the morning it will look different!   Went to a movie and  lunch with Shirley today........... Lucille's Becky is getting married the 11th of October......she is in her 50's and her first marriage?????

Monday, September 22, 2014


Did you ever wonder if your on the right path?......I like to believe "I'm not stuck; my GPS is just recalculating......I'm not lost; I 'm just finding my way......I'm not running late, either;.....I'm right on time for my dreams to start coming true.......There's more than one route to success, and I'm definitely on one!"
TODAY I see possibilities I didn't see before.  Today I can make great choices that boost my health and happiness.  Today, I can decide to dream instead of doubt.  There is just no limit to what I can do with today......a
TODAY my three daughters appeared with definitely something on their minds......we circled the table and they informed me they think I need  a ground level place????SOON.....they worry I will fall up or down my 3 floor split level.......where I have lived 27 years........ this November 18th.  Well, secretly I have been thinking how nice one level would be....  My knees are really bothering me, I don't like the big back yard, I don't like going down in the basement to do laundry and even Gigi is getting bad hips and the stair are hard on my dog........Well is it a coincidence or is it meant to be that one just came up on another street. If it is not too much and the kids would help with the remodeling it might just be the answer to every one's prayers........Karrie was going to have Richard do some checking and talk to the people.....his forte....I doubt if I sleep much tonight thinking about how much work a move for me will me.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


This my new great-grandson......baby HORTON.  This is him at 6 months in his mommie's tummy and we can hardly wait for him to arrive......I am having a ball buying baby clothes......This weekend I bought him his first tennis shoes and Levis and at the garage sale yesterday I bought a cradle for ten dollars.   It needs sanded and stained......I always wanted one for my girls but could only afford cribs, then I had a cute little white small crib but somehow  it got out of the family so now I got a chance to have swinging cradle.....we can just keep passing it around to the great-grandkids.  They have not come up with a name yet, but are working on the nursery......This family needs a new baby and the family tree is growing more limbs.
The Cooks invited me to dinner with them as they won a dinner at Chuck-a-Rama.....I have not been there for a 100 years and I am excited about it......it use to be the place......but has changed.  Sherrie and Ken will be down from the cabin to stay all night later.......Life is good!.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Lindsey and Alex......he popped the question last night at the Salt Lake Temple........I figured around Christmas with a Spring wedding......we all told him she was a keeper and better not let someone else steal her away......Sherrie.....the mother-in-law.....is ecstatic!  Lindsey just graduated from High School with brother Brayden but Lindsey's mother works for Sherrie and Darren and the kids have known each other for seven years........She was a sterling scholar and has a year's school at UVU so will finish her year there and  they will be married May 9th in the Salt Lake Temple......she plans to go on with her education and become a nurse.  We love her and I am happy for the happy couple.
This is a big year for this grandma........A new great-grandson in December......Richie home from his mission in Mexico in January and Alex getting married in May.  Wish Brayden was going to be home for all this!  Wonderful legacy I am leaving behind me......and I did it all alone.....thanks to a quitter X!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


I never had a boy......but God gave me six grandsons and a new great-grandson is on his way!!!!  How lucky I am......I have been close and enjoyed all of them so much as they grew up and now I am watching each one grow into men .  My first Will is 23 and lives with is girl friend ......he finished college and has a job.
My second grand son went off on a mission to Brazil after high school and is now home working for his family.  He has fallen in love and it is so fun to watch them.  Lindsey is going to college in Provo.  Yes I am a very lucky grammie and watching them is a great joy each day......

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A LITTLE ODD.........

 How many of us is guilty letting just one person ruin our day?  This gives you something fun to think about it!
Have you ever said of someone....."they really are odd"?  Odd compared to what?  If a person does not act or think or do what we do does that make them odd......or just different.
"Some people seek wisdom in tea leaves......some are the sort to never leave a dish in the sink, while others are lifelong breeders of dust bunnies......some hate spiders while others keep pet iguanas.  Though these behaviors may seem odd at first, they are the very idiosyncrasies that make us human.    Rising from the bedrock of our personality and shaped by our varied environments, these quirks ensure that we are all peculiar......and, as such, not peculiar at all."  Who are we to judge what is odd or not odd.  Psychologists  who study personalities say they can predict our general outlook on life by analyzing five factors in our personalities.  CONSCIENTIOUSNESS.....AGREEABLENESS.....NEUROTICISM.....OPEN TO EXPERIENCE......EXTRAVERSION!    We all have these....... but each one has each one in a different degrees and that is what makes us different......... but not peculiar at all or odd!
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."  (A. Burroughs)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Congratulations to Karrie and Rich on their 24th Wedding Anniversary....(really yesterday).....just late getting it posted.  Can't believe how time flys.  24 years ago after your wedding I was preparing to go to Spain and Morocco.....wow.  You have come a long ways in the past years and as I left for my wonderful vacation little did I know 24 years later I would be so proud of your three wonderful children......my perfect grandkids.  I have had so many good times with your family enjoying the growing up years.  Rich, his ball games, car deals, trips to Europe and the Philippines and oh yes girls and now off to my favorite place on a mission.  Annie.....beautiful and sassy...school dances and shopping, cheerleading, off to India to volunteer  and now off to college......and in love.  And my Scottie who loved to sleep over, watching his games and seeing him grow into a teenager...... so cute.  I hope I have a few more years to watch them get married and make me a great-grandmother.  I love our Christmas Eves together and the fun trips you take me on.......thanks for sharing these wonderful people with me.
Where are the weeks going?  Last week not feeling so good with a bad cold.  Now this week the calendar is full.  Eye examine yesterday....bridge today.....coffee with Patty tomorrow......Lunch and dominos Friday....Sat is garage sale and movie day for me and Sherrie and Ken over night Sunday.  Thank goodness for family and friends......they make my life so wonderful. 93 degrees yesterday and today is suppose to be close to that!

Monday, September 15, 2014


I love pictures like this one......the twins, Annie and Darren flying off to Lake Powell for the weekend in his plane. Monday's for Missionary Mothers is always looked forward to.....and Grammies too.  Just to know your boys are fine and hanging in there.  This picture was on instagram and they are my P-Day updates for my families off for fun together.  I thoroughly enjoy Facebook and Instagram to follow the fun growing up days of the grandkids and all their comings and goings. Everyone is to busy to phone or write a letter......well, they don't know about letters, stamps and post offices......just texting!
      Been fighting a cold all weekend.....really dragging.  Our weather is beautiful and dinner on the Pannier's patio last night was perfect.....not to hot, no breeze or bugs.  Tiff was there and 6 months pregnant and looks so cute.  Baby due December 30th.....but I wouldn't bet on it!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chapter 35.....around the world cont.

PLAYA DEL CARMAN..... short trip from Cancun is this fun little village.....I was lucky enough to be included in a trip down there with the Christenson family and friends Dave and Amy's family....the reason was Kennedy and their son were going with the Rotary group...... Bud Christenson was with down there......... to give the school children school supplies and health supplies for their Eagle Scout Projects. We stayed at a great "all inclusive" resort. All you could eat or drink any time of the day. There was a nice pool, and many extras to keep the children entertained. The ocean was right there....even had venders!!!! A couple of nice restaurants.....nice change from the daily buffets. The family did some diving and trips to the ruins and zip lining near by. Their was plenty of shopping in the little town and at a near by market. My roommate was Grandma Kay???? Darren was a day late because he was sending Alex off to Brazil on a Mission.....and Sher had to be down there with Ken and Brayden. Ken got bitten by a spider and ended up in the emergency room.....never a dull minute.....but one of my favorite trips to Mexico......and it was the last time I have been to Mexico.

Chapter 35 .....around the world cont.

COZAMEL, MEXICO......is a favorite stop off of cruise ships and the shopping, stopping for margaritas and natchos at a little side walk café after a long day of hitting every shop on the beach or back street and loaded down with treasures for the family back home....and a few things for you....and enjoying the musicions that wander around the tourist groups. I have been there several times and would go back any time! I have always been on a cruise into Cozamel.....never had the pleasure of spending a lot of time there. PUERTO VALLARTA.....another stop for cruise ships and I have been there twice on cruise ships but I did spend a week there with Ann, Bonnie and Pauline and we had a great time. We stayed in the big red hotel on the beach called Las Glorias......wonderful view of the ocean of the fishing boats coming and going each day. It had a nice pool but you had to go off to find a nice beach. We did take day trips to watch whales and a glass bottom boat to see the pretty fish. Many good places to eat and the shopping as in all Mexican towns was a lot of fun. GUYAMOS, MEXICO.....been there twice. The first time to Guyamos Don, his brother and wife and I flew down in our little plane. We went fishing one day and stayed in a fun place on the beach. My second trip was with Ann.....she had a room compted and we got a deal on the airline. Took a trip around the bay one day .....food and music and fun people. Also took a day trip in the area around Guyamos and ended up in a very fun Mexican restaurant for dinner.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


What is normal?     This is my second grandson Alex with his new toy playing in the mud.....is this normal for boys......he is 21?  I adore this cute boy just back from a Mission and in love and enjoying life......Tonight he is bringing little brother Ken and Greg.....almost part of the family......in to stay all night on their way to the houseboat in Lake Powell in the morning......I love to have them stay with me and glad they like to come.....no matter how old they get.  Karrie and Annie flew down this morning with Sherrie and Darren for the weekend.   Scottie has football and can't leave town ......so daddy Rich is baby sitting.
I have no favorites with my nine grandchildren.....I adore them all and all for different reasons.  They are all the same.......but different.  It is fascinating to ponder what makes us who we are.....I know it is the mysterious blend of upbringing, experience, personality and DNA.......that varies so much from person to person. It is unreal that of all the some seven billion people on the planet, no two of us are exactly the same......not even my twins.   Have you realized how utterly unique you are?  And have you ever wondered.....Am I Normal?  It turns out none of us is "normal"......which means that all of us are....even though we have a total individual array of idiosyncrasies, mannerisms and traits.   Realize we all do things a little differently.....or maybe even a lot differently and that is what is so wonderful......"AS IT TURNS OUT, NONE OF US IS NORMAL.....WHICH MEANS THAT ALL OF US ARE!"
AND .......14 years ago today the Twin Towers in New York were bombed by the terrorists. It is a sad day to remember and they are sad all over the US.....

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


YES, YES.......my friends and I all use "thingy" a lot.  You know that thingy on TV, that thingy you wear, that thingy on the car......it really cuts down on the words you have to use.  A thingy can be anything in this whole wide world.......and I love it.  Who invented the thingy......would you even know if you saw a thingy?  All I know, it sure keeps a conversation going when you can't think of the word you want......just say thingy and go on.  I am so drained of energy lately and I wish I knew why......besides old age......I just have this thingy that makes me want to sit down or lay down all the time......I can't figure it out and don't know what I would tell the doctor even if I went in.
As the ancient saying goes "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."  To know the truth is to be in harmony with the infinite intelligence and power of your subconscious mind, which is always moving  forward.  Scientists inform us that we build a new body every eleven months;  so from a physical standpoint you are really only eleven months old.......If you build defects back into your body by thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, and ill will, you have no one to blame but yourself.   You are the sum total of your own thoughts......The way to get rid of darkness is with light;  the way to overcome cold is with heat;  the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thoughts.......affirm the good, and he bad will vanish.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


When you say to someone.....have a nice day......you aren't talking about the weather usually.  You are hoping they don't break a leg or lose their job......but the last couple of days the weather is a big part of every one's day around Utah!  Thunder, lightening and torrents of rain one minute.....bright sunshine the next.  Lucky in our area no flooding, but some areas not so lucky.  Yep, the world is changing.
Just talked to a dear friend and we both complained how tired we are all the time and how we are not interested in doing all the things around the house we know we should be doing.  Yes, I feed the dog and fish and me everyday.....do laundry and change the bed every week or 10 days.....keep my plants watered and my bills paid.....but you ought to see my windows!  When you do the things you have to do when you have to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them........Am I at that point in my life yet?  I am not as busy as a bee....even though I think at one time I might have been.....a busy little bee makes 4,200 trips to the flowers, averaging about ten trips a day, each trip lasting approximately 20 minutes to make just one tablespoon of honey.....the amount that might go on a biscuit.  He does this day in and day out until he dies......no retirement to look forward to.  Guess I won't complain any more.......

Sunday, September 7, 2014


 It is Fall for sure.......The Cooks were in Midway last weekend and you can see the leaves turning already up there........The pool closed today and Pam and I were very sad......we have enjoyed our exercise days all summer.  Went to Scottie's football game yesterday and of course football games also say Fall........it was a beautiful day but we know they are numbered......then off to Salt Lake Pancake House and then a nap......today Panniers took me back to the Pancake House for breakfast before we swam......wonder if the Christensons would run in from Vernal in the morning and take me......I am really enjoying these wonderful meals......HA

Friday, September 5, 2014


The integrity of the upright shall guide them.......Proverbs 11:3

           Found this little picture with some........ where they were saying everyone has a double in life......In my opinion this picture tells it all!  Can't imagine we have to put up with all his s----, for another two years.   Someone said.....if you can't fight it.....join it.....if I did,...... would I get everything for free the rest of my life?  Medical.....Housing.....Food Stamps etc. etc.
          Does Obama have character?  Have you every watched an icicle form?  Did you notice how the dripping water froze, one drop at a time, until the icicle was a foot long or more?  If the water was clean, the icicle remained clear and sparkled brightly in the sun, but if the water was slightly muddy, the icicle looked cloudy its beauty spoiled.
         In just this manner our character is formed.......each thought or feeling adds its influence.  Each decision we make----about matters both great and small----contributes.    Every bit that we take in into our minds and soul......be they impressions, experiences, visual images, or the words of others.......help create our character.   (Do I dare question what and where "that man" got what shaped his character)....... I know that we must remain concerned at all times about the "droplets" that we allow to drip through our lives and our children.  Acts that develop habits of love, truth, and goodness silently mold and fashion us into the image of God.
       I am so sick of Obama and his whining about Isis, the border, IRS, Bengazi.......all he wants to do is make speeches and play golf!  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


My life is but a weaving......Between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors.......He works so steadily
Oft times He weaves in sorrow......And I, in foolish pride.
Forget, He sees the upper.......And, I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent......And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the tapestry,...And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needed.......In the weaver's skillful hand.
As the threads of gold and silver,.......In the pattern He has planned!
Swam this morning and met the Christensons for lunch at Hot Dog on a stick!  Not feeling very good today, my knee hurts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Looking happy but feeling sad......her significant other just left for Vancover for two years.......Mission today.  Will she wait?   Only time will tell.  She is gorgeous, fun and a hot item out there......but you have to kiss a lot of frogs  until you find your prince......we will see.  Notice the 19th birthday candle behind her ear at dinner last week....hope she adds a couple more before she makes up her mind.
A story is told of identical twins, one a hope-filled optimist who often said, "Everything is coming up roses!"  The other twin was sad and hopeless pessimist who continually expected the worst to happen.  The concerned parents of the twins brought them to a psychologist in hopes he might be able to help them balance their personalities. On their next birthdays the parents put them in separate rooms  to open their presents. They were advised to give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure."  When they peeked in on the pessimistic twin they heard him audibly complaining    I don't like these......tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in saw their optimistic son gleefully throwing manure up in the air.  He said " You can't fool me!  Where there is this much manure, there's gotta be a pony."

      Teach your children to look at life each day as a blessing about to happen, no an accident about to happen.  Yesterday was Labor Day and a very busy day....Post office to mail bills, swim with neighbor in the morning, off to a neighbors to tell them good-by before they move, off to a movie with a friend, shopping and dinner......finally done at 8:30 and pooped!
      Today swam with Pam, off to lunch and then IKIA  to check out bathroom fixtures......want to remodel my bathrooms.
Life is good and I am very tired tonight!