Sunday, June 1, 2014

BEEN A BUSY 10 DAYS.........

Well.....this is my all gown up High School graduate.......The past 10 days have been a whirlwind time for me.  Wednesday the 21st of May, Karrie drove me to Heber to meet Sherrie driving in from Vernal to pick me up for the weekend.  Thursday I helped out with the decorating for the Senior party night that Sherrie was in charge of........Friday night was graduation, we sat out in the bleachers and the weather was great...... these are the kinds of things that really make a Grandmother proud.....home for a family dinner, with Kay and Todd, then Ken and I hung out while Sherrie and Darren went to stay all night at the all night party and Alex had an early date.  For his senior trip he will go to Puerto Rico for 10 days with his friends and a couple of families who rented a house.  Love this boy......Saturday just hung out, then Sherrie, Dar, Alex and Brayden went through the Temple to take out his endowments for a July 27th mission call to the Spokane Mission.  Such a big weekend for this guy.  THEN......Sherrie and I drove back to Salt Lake arriving about 9:30 to get ready to go to the Bahamas with Kar...pick up at 3;30 AM......Grown, didn't sleep at all!  Unpack one suitcase and put it in another......etc.  I am very excited....thought I was "DONNROVIN'".......

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