Thursday, June 5, 2014


Oh yes, I have a few special words for and about what I really think of this man.....The President of THE UNITED STATES......It's not that I don't like him?????  I just like everybody in the whole world better!!!  Every night I ask God......Why?  What have we done to be punished by this man who is completely tearing  the world apart. He lied and cheated his way into office during the Bengazi Ordeal,  a problem that has never been faced or made public for us.......Then OBAMA CARE......a complete fiasco in our country which  will prove to fail down the road......I hope.......The next scandal we are embroiled in is the VETERANS HOSPITAL.....where the waiting list for the veterans to get medical care is sometimes as long as a year down the road,,,,,,just fired the director and the latest is he let five of the worst Terrorist be traded to the terror group for one soldier who we find out deserted and wanted to be captured.  He has done nothing on the illegals of Mexico, or the jobs and the economy is going to the dogs...AND WE ARE STUCK WITH HIM TWO AND A HALF MORE YEARS.......I ONLY HOPE I CAN LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE ANOTHER DECENT PRESIDENT!!!!  What really bothers me you can't talk black or your raciest.....Hello...... his mother was white......he is as much white as black.........
Didn't get much done today.....picked up an anniversary gift for the Christenson's and a little something for Tiff's birthday...Lawns mowed and garbage day.......getting ready for the weekend.  Well, now that I have vented I feel better!

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