Saturday, June 7, 2014


In our life there are so many Choices, but many of us don't take a Chance and so we are not making any Changes in our lives....... There is something about human nature that prefers their comfort zone and go on year after year miserable with their lives.......We spend too much time on the 'WHAT IF'S"...but most of the what if's never happen........Your subconscious is your book of life!!!!  Think about that for a minute.
                "Whatever thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories you write, engrave , or impress on your subconscious mind, you will experience them as the objective manifestation of circumstances, conditions, and events.  What you write on the inside, you will experience on the outside.  You have two sides to your life, objective and subjective, visible and invisible, thought and its manifestation.
             Your thought is received as a pattern of neural firings in your cerebral cortex, which is the organ of your conscious reasoning mind.  Once your conscious or objective mind accepts the thought completely, it is transmitted to the older parts  of the brain, where it becomes flesh and is made manifest in your experience.
                As previously outlined, your subconscious cannot argue.  It acts only from what you write on it.  It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as final.  This is why you are always writing on the book of life, because your thoughts become your experiences.  The American philosopher,  Ralph Waldo Emerson, said.  "Man is what he thinks all day long."
Oh yes......My first garage sale day of the some fun books and nick-nacks for the front yard and looked and looked.  Went to a movie and colored my hair, wrapped gifts for Robbie and Tiffany who have birthdays coming up!  It has been a busy day.

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