Monday, June 16, 2014


How lucky the person who has a good father.......I DID!  I adored him, he was tall, dark and handsome.  He never yelled and would talk to you instead of beat you or take away privileges......which sometimes you would have preferred to be punished some other way.  He didn't know what grounding was.......He was home every night for dinner and supported me in all my crazy growing up things.   I knew he loved me and was very proud of me.  I failed my girls in  the father department and feel very guilty.   Their father provided for them and never physically punished them, but his children were not his priority and he spent little time or interest in what they were involved in.  Thank goodness my grandchildren all have very good father's involved in their lives and let them know they are loved and treasured.   HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE GOOD FATHERS.

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