Monday, June 23, 2014


This is a very happy Betty........My grand-daughter, Tiffany, and her husband just came by to tell me I am going to be a great-grandmother in December!!!!!!YES! I have so been waiting for this news.......Tiffany's mother Pam was the first grandchild on my side and Tiffany the first grandchild so it only goes to show Tiffany should have the first great-grandchild for me.  I have hinted for months that if they don't get busy I could be dead before someone has a great-child for me to spoil.   My sisters and cousins all have several..........s now I will have one to brag about and show off.  Pam and Rob are very excited to be grandparents.......This is the happy couple on a cruise we went on to Alaska and I know they will have cute babies.  Scott and Tiffany Horton.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

I'm lucky that this baby gets you as a great-grandmother!!