Monday, June 2, 2014


This is my Annie's graduation picture......Tomorrow is the big day for her......can't believe she is all grown up and will be heading to UVU.......this fall.   She and her friend Ky just stopped by to say hello, a grandmother likes these kinds of surprises.  I went to her Seminary graduation last night at their ward house, she had been chosen as one of the speakers.....again very proud.   She gives her mother a run for her money!!!   Lovin' her more every day.
Got my bills mailed, condo fee paid, got some milk eggs etc. so can eat again, got the laundry done and the suit cases put away.....but still not moving too fast.  Doesn't take long to get back in the old routine though.......You find no matter what you do LIFE DOES GO ON.........Talked to Pam, still no lawn, fun weekends in Idaho, Sherrie called and was at work, Karrie called and was busy with getting things set up for Ann's graduation tomorrow.  We had a fun week, but right back to the hectic pace.
"Don't get so busy that you miss the little but important extras in life......the beauty of  a day, the smile of a friend....the serenity of a quiet moment alone.  For often life's smallest pleasures and gentlest joys make the biggest and most lasting difference."

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