Monday, June 9, 2014


"Your subconscious mind never grows old.  It is timeless, ageless, and endless.....It is a part of the universal mind of God, which was never born and will never die.......Fatigue or old age does not have an impact on any spiritual quality or power.   Patience, kindness, veracity, humility, goodwill, peace, harmony are attributes and qualities here on this plane of life, you will always remain young in spirit.....
Years alone are not responsible for bringing about degenerative disorders.....It is not time itself, but the fear of time that has a harmful aging effect on our minds and bodies.....Indeed, the neurotic fear of the effects of time may well be the cause of premature aging........"
         Sometimes when the elderly get old and sick they feel no one wants or needs them......They are partly sick not because of life, but because of the way they view life.  They have a mental attitude of futility and worthlessness that helps bring on their illness........People can grow old in their thought of life, and their subconscious mind made manifest everything they are expecting and dreading.
Unfortunately, many of us have the same attitude........We are afraid of what they term "old age", the end and extinction,,,,,,,,,.What this really means is that we are afraid of life......yet life is endless....age is not the flight of years, but the dawn of wisdom.  We need to get out of our head once and for all that sixty-five....seventy-five.....or eighty-five years of age is synonymous with  the end of you or anybody else.......It can be the beginning of a glorious, fruitful, active, and most productive life pattern, better than you have ever experienced.  Believe this, expect it, and your subconscious will bring it to pass......THIS I BELIEVE.
Pam and I did an hour of exercise in the pool this morning....we are aiming to do this twice a week!  Tonight I am very tired.....BUT, today was missionary letter day from Richie!!!!

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