Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CHAPTER #35....around the world continued.......

MEXICO......the love of my life and my favorite place to travel......learned some Spanish and love trying it out in this country... I love their food, the shopping, the music, the beaches and laid back living style. Oh yes, the margaritas are good too.  My first trip to Mexico was a couple of years after Don and I were married......we left Pam home with my parents and went to MEXICO CITY.......and I immediately fell in love with the country.  The floating gardens of zosomilico will always be in my mind......the zocolo with the beautiful cathedral and fun shopping....... the chance to haggle.....which was and food.  We took a day tour to TASCO and CUERNAVACA......a few hours from Mexico City.   The beautiful city of Tasco with it's many stores filled with beautiful silver pieces, and streets built on hills and all the beautiful tiles everything.  Cuernavaca is more laid back with a pretty church and fun fountains.

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