Sunday, June 22, 2014


Oh the foot prints in the sand I have left in Mexico.........and perhaps the most are on the beaches of MATZATLAN!!!!!  I got brave and did the para sail thing.....which was really a thrill and I am glad I did it.......I really did it to impress the twins thinking maybe they would if I did.......but no such luck......And the wonderful church in the center of the city, every Mexican City has one.......and they have the Zocolo around them......and the city markets near by.
Don and his brother Woody bought an airplane and we made regular trips into Matzatlan before there even was a commercial airport and we always stayed in the La Playa Hotel right on the beach.  There were no lights on the runway so we had to arrive before dark and would be met by a pickup truck to haul us into the hotel......our gas was run through a shammy to get the water out before we could fill the gas tanks.  These were some of the most fun trips I ever took.  Now days they have a nice airport and cruise ships make regular stops there......I still love it. I can't count the times I have been to Matzatlan with my sisters, friends and twins......we even spent one Christmas there after the divorce.  I love the haggling when you shop and am able to use my "not so good Spanish!"......good food and music.
On some of these trips we have flown into TEPIC where friends live and also to GUADALAJARA.....where the fabulous Mariachis became famous. They are inland and I prefer the beaches.

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