Sunday, June 1, 2014


 Well, to continue my past 10 day activities.....up Sunday morning EARLY and off to the airport......Sherrie, Karrie and I for a fun time of hanging out together at the Viva Wyndam all inclusive resort in FREEPORT, BAHAMAS.........It was Sherrie who put it together and invited Karrie to go and I invited myself.....and they were kind enough to say Yes.  Pam off to see Nicci in a couple of weeks so didn't care not to be included.  Two hours to Dallas, 40 minute between flights then 2 more hours to Miami and then a short short hop of 25 minutes on down to the Bahamas, arrived about 4;30.....2 hours time difference.  My sweet girls worried I could not do all the airport walking so they ordered a wheel chair for me in between all stops......then took very good care of me everywhere we went.....I am not use to this after being alone for 28 years and on my own.....but loved it.  We did very little, find a talopa and settle in for the day.  Sun, sand and sea and lots of eating and drinking in between.  I read, did Suduko, played games on my Ipad and wrote a journal of the trip.....may have dozed a couple of times!  There were all kinds of water sports going on.....wind sailing, paddle boards, canoeing, water skiing, a trapeze for the brave, games by the pool, dance lessons by the pool and disco at night......but we ate and slept most the time and the girls got unwound from their busy lives.  We did catch a taxi and go to the little town to shop one day for favorite part of any vacation.  Karrie's suitcase zipper was crushed on the trip down and we cut the top out of her suitcase and had to buy her a new one to get home!!! Oh by the way.....American Air Lines tore off  one of the wheels on the way home of her brand new suitcase........We did so good the first few days but the last day things got out of control and we all came home really sunburned......ouch!  A hectic getting home as the flight delayed out of Freeport....we threw things in our suitcase and left the the airport I put on makeup, combed my hair, turned my shirt....... that was on backwards and put on my elastic soxs.....I had never done that before!  Really glad to see Rich at the airport and Sherrie had to jump in her car and drive three hours home to Vernal. Her family had been to Lake Powell all week with the scouts and  were getting home that night.......We had a very good time and I think we would all agree.......THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

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