Saturday, June 21, 2014


Happy Birthday Rob.......I don't even have to guess what you are doing on your birthday in Idaho today........hope you get another great big fish!  It is also the first day of summer and the longest day of the year so you have a lot of light hours to keep fishing........Tiff seems to be having a ball in Wisconsin celebrating her birthday and college reunion and Pam is in Minnesota this weekend with Nicci.......and Bree is here with gram. 
Went off to garage sales this morning then had my nails done......and came home and washed my hair.   Met my new neighbors....... I think........a couple who lives by Karrie and is down sizing....... and good news Tim bought the house across the street and maybe Heather is GONE!
Life is marked by failures and setbacks and slip-ups, as much as by hard-won satisfactions and sudden discoveries of unexpected strength.  We need to help children understand that for us, as for them, life is made up of striving much more than attaining.......

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