Tuesday, May 20, 2014


No, it doesn't come in a pill you can take, and it doesn't require a specialized blender, a single leaf of kale or any fancy new outfit.  The latest prescription for having good health is something almost all of us already have received----and used many times-----kindness. Kindness such a simple little word, with so much power and rewards......Researchers have found that good deeds as small as holding the door for a stranger or even to smile at someone lonely ..... can bring us  great benefits like lowered rates of depression, increase our self esteem and strengthen our immune system.  Remember what grandmother said..."Do unto others....."  Drop some money in a parking meter about to expire, buy the guy behind you coffee or pay for someone else's lunch.......These small deeds can even cause a ripple effect......which is passing on good feelings to others.  Make weaving kindness into every day life a habit and see how much better your days are......and your health.  The Dalai Lama said, "My religion is kindness."
This is a picture of my granddaughter Andrea who just went to India on a YMAD two week work project and she and the other young people found out the true meaning of kindness and came back lovin' life.
Tomorrow off to Vernal for the weekend and then a week in the Bahamas!!!  So guess my blogging will just have to wait....till I get home.

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