Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have been thinking about what I will leave to my kids and grandkids......and maybe someday.....some great-grandkids.  I love to write and have journaled  and blogged about my thoughts and life for many years.....I love to write and hope in my writings I have conveyed to my family how much I love them and what they mean to me......I am not a good writer and write for my own pleasure but I hope it shows.  Writing always makes me feel immortal----as if I am creating an extension of my life that nothing can destroy......It is exhilarating. Maybe someday down the road.......Someone will read some of my writings and say.....yes I remember Grammie saying that or doing that ....some days my back aches, my eyes blur and my poor arthritic fingers hit the wrong keys, but I am not going to quit is my salvation.  I doubt if the kids will remember my face as I wrinkled hands with age spots and funny growing things that just pop up and my thinning hair I keep dyed!!!  They will just remember I was fun, and happy and always up for a new experience and was there to support them along the way. And I can never tell them too often how much I love them....Te  Amo

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