Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I don't care how hard you try you, being the MOM,  cannot make everyone happy.......at the time it is very frustrating and discouraging.......and so tempting to give up at times.....but don't!  'This too will pass'.....Is the best way to look at it.  So one day you realize you will never please everyone  so you decide to make yourself happy........As we approach Mother's Day and I look back over my 'mommy' years......more than once I had someone mad at me for whatever reason......but as the years passed and the 3 girls have become 'mommies' they are experiencing some of these same feelings. I can only tell them to be the soft place their have to fall and always be there for them and the kids will surprise them and grow up to be the wonderful people they were meant to be......thanks to their MOTHERS!
"Every baby is born to do something great.....whether it is making you laugh, living their dream or charming the world......But they can't do it alone......It takes a village to raise a child!" ......It starts with a god MOM AND DAD, grandparents, neighbors and friends.  But a child's best friend should always be Mom.  Next Sunday is Mother's Day.....Nationally celebrated for a reason.  A child born with a loving, kind, good and honest mother who loves her child unconditionally is the luckiest person in the world......Thank your Mom on this Mother's .Day.
There  is only two tools folks need to raise a family ....WD-40 an Duct Tape.......If it doesn't move and should, use WD-40......If it moves and shouldn't, Use Duct Tape.........and Oh Yes, a glue gun can fill in now and then.

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