Thursday, May 8, 2014


"It may be painful for us to see our children modifying or even rejecting ideas that were important to us and adopting others that could never be comfortable for us......But out of that difference may come the reinforcement of two other important values.......One is tolerance, and the other is awareness that people who disagree over the things they hold dear really can live together in love and respect....."
One father laments the short comings he sees in this generation.....for instance his college son who had to send a letter for some reason called his Dad with these questions.......Where could he get a stamp?.......Were there different kinds of stamps?........Well, then which one should he buy?.........How much would it cost?.......What should he physically do with the letter when it was finally ready to go?......The son was quite annoyed that the letter-mailing procedure was so complicated.......This is why this generation does not send letters......they text or email instead......Which means pretty much that all you get in the mail these days is bills and big wads of advertising crap that you immediately throw away......
Every day I get the newspaper ......which for you younger people, is a paper with news written on it.  I do the Suduko and check the obituaries to see how many of the day's deceased were younger than I am......on a good morning most of the are older than me.!  This new generation read the head lines on their cell phone or not at all......Soon there will be no more post offices or newspaper! Oh, for the good ole' days.........
Cold rainy day in Salt Lake today.......Off to dinner with Pat and David tonight.......

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