Monday, May 5, 2014


 Thinking of my sweet missionary in Mexico ........Bet he is seeing some real Cinco De Mayo celebrating!   He did take out a little time to write the family.  Sherrie and Ken stayed all night and ken had his speech appointment and Sherrie had her cancer removed and then we were off to the Cheese Cake Factory for a Mother's Day lunch with Karrie.......and of course we ended up at T. J. Maxx to do a little shopping!!!!!  I got a suitcase for Brayden for his high school graduation. It was a nice warm day but rain is forecast for a couple of days.
Beings it is spring I am anxious to plant and grow some flowers and vegetables, but I like to think we should be growing "OTHER THINGS TOO"......every day  of our lives.  We can grow happiness......grow change....grow love....grow inner piece and I might add......the potting soil of the above all begin with "LOVE"......

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