Tuesday, May 13, 2014

GROWING UP........

This is my precious grandson......Alex Christenson......recently home from a two year mission in Brazil......he has grown up to be such a great "man"!  It's hard to get back to the real world after a mission......but Alex jumped back into helping his Dad......he got a chance to work 10 days for the Power company at a very good salary....so he jumped on it.  I found the following thoughts he wrote about his new job on face book, it is such a great thought to begin his new life with:
"I use to think that when you find an open door in your life it usually leads you to a better place......but, after twelve and a half hours of sitting on a plastic bucket in the cold I decided that this one wouldn't lead me any place better.....so that saying is crap."  
You can tell he has thought through the money isn't everything in life.....even though it helps.....but, bottom line is liking and enjoying what you do that is important.  Counting how many people come and go in the twelve hours through this door isn't too much of a future for a young man.....This is good advice for all of us.....all open doors don't necessarily lead to where you want to go in life.
"It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full.  Be thankful that you have a glass and that there is something in it."  If you had a bad day, don't worry.  We all have a reset button......it's called tomorrow.....

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