Monday, May 12, 2014


If you follow my blogs you will know I am big into the Philosophy of Wabi-Sabi!  Wabi-sabi-----the Japanese philosophy of accepting that...... since perfection does not exist, we shouldn't seek it, but instead find pleasure in things as they are----is proven to ease anxiety and boost joy! Always look for the principles in daily life.  For example, focus on Nature...... instead of creating a super complicated spring bouquet, wabi-sabi encourages you make a simple arrangement with just a few flowers as you would find them in the nature created them.
Focus on friendship......enjoy time with friends is a big aspect of part because it reminds you that the best things in life are free!  The Japanese even have a phrase to describe it.....ichigo ichie----which translates as "for this time only", meaning that every encounter with the people you're closest to is unique and should be enjoyed to the fullest.....Then focus on yourself!  Taking time for yourself and shutting out the din of the modern-day world-------Carve out a space of your own.....make it your place.....A place to flip through your favorite album..... snuggle your favorite pet..........listen to your favorite music.....they release the same feel-good chemicals.........
                                    'All my life, I  have wanted to lead people to an empathy space, to gratitude space. I want us each to be awake to our full potential, to find our calling, and to summon the courage to live it.  Imagine a world where we all life ourselves up, and then reach out and lift someone else.  And so together, we rise.'  OPRAH

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