Thursday, May 1, 2014


I wonder if they have Chinese McDonalds?  It would have had snake instead of hamburger probably.......Maybe I should leave Oriental Food to others and stick to Oriental Wisdom.
What are three things that cannot be long hidden?......The Sun......The Moon......and the Truth.  These 3 words make you stop and true they really way or another you can not hide the truth.
A funky one is:  If at first you don't succeed......Then sky diving, definitely isn't for you.......
Life is 10% what happens to you AND 90% of how you react to it.  I wish you could learn this when you are young but it takes a few heart aches to learn it.......
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world.......There is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more.  This is where the important free agency of choice comes into our can choose which of these to make your world.
You don't get to choose how your going to die......or WHEN.  You can only decide how you're going to live...........NOW!
Courage is fear that has said it's prayers..........
Been a busy day putting away everything from my party yesterday......getting back to normal feels good.  It takes a week to get things ready for bridge and a week to get back to normal

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