Sunday, May 18, 2014


 It would be terrible to grow old without having anything to look forward to........on some things aren't as fun as others.  This following gives you something to think about!
At age 4 Success is not peeing in your pants........At age 12 SUCCESS is having friends........At age 16 SUCCESS is having a drivers license.......At age 20 SUCCESS is having sex.....or NOT!......At age 35 SUCCESS is having money.........At age 50 SUCCESS is having money.......At age 60 SUCCESS is having sex.......At age 70 SUCCESS is having a drivers license......At age 75 SUCCESS is having friends......At age 80 it comes full circle and SUCCESS is not peeing in your pants........Well to those interested.....I am 82......I don't pee my pants.....I am still driving and have lots of friends and a little money and what's this word SEX????
Busy, busy day packing, doing laundry and enjoying this beautiful weather.

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