Sunday, May 4, 2014


I have learned in my many years "Not to Cry because it is because it happened."  For constant traveling around the world is now over.....I can't be sad......I just have to be happy I was fortunate enough to have it happen!
I do have much to look forward life built on traditions handed down for generations has been greatly enhanced in recent years by many technological advances that allow me to create.... to communicate and to record memories innovative and unimagined ways.  My daily blog is a wonderful example of this.......I can write or tell a story and accompany it with a picture of the family or person I am talking about or a saying that further  compliments it.
Thinking back.....I kinda drug my feet on being an "early adopter" of new techniques, but thanks to a wonderful family they would have no part of my not being totally emerged in the new tech area.  Sooooo, I was thoroughly schooled on the computer by a granddaughter who lived with me and a neat son-in-law who bailed me out numerous times after she moved out. I began emailing, facebooking and blogging regularly....  Cell phone.....oh please.....did not hold water and now I have a cell phone and can text the family and receive their urgent requests and latest pictures......and love it!  A kindle.....with a book available at all times and especially love the games I play regularly......With my digital camera I can kinda work...... I was launched.......and then at Christmas here comes the IPAD.  But, you will be glad to hear......and I am glad to is a constant companion with my list of phone numbers and contacts......the news......the it is just a magic little handful and I can't imagine my life without it.........even though I still don't understand "THE CLOUD THINGY".  The family thinks I should up-date my 12 going on 13 year old Toyoto because it hasn't got all those buttons and gadgets of the new cars but this is where I am holding more car payments!  But I am so happy I had a family that didn't take my "no, I don't need that" seriously and bought me.....and taught to keep up with them.....KINDA!

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