Saturday, May 17, 2014


Wow.....I am at Karrie's helping her get ready for a party the next day with no big plans .....other than going to Vernal for a few days to watch my grandson graduate....when she gets a call from her twin sister saying....."I found a cheap vacation......a one weeks stay all inclusive including the Bahamas...... and I am going without my family .....can you go?"  You have to know Sherrie.....she has been feeling neglected...... Darren and the 3 boys were off to the house boat in Lake Powell with the scouts for that week........ and she took care of the situation.. Karrie called to see if her husband could handle the two kids and dogs.......and I invited myself and we leave the day after I get home from Vernal.......Sooooo I have been hustling all day laying out clothes for two trips, laundry, making out lists and trying to remember how I did it in the "olden days" when I could be ready for a trip in a day!...  Every time I get ready to hang up my "DUNNROVIN'" sign I get out my suitcase and off I go.  I guess the kids will just have to bury it with me?????  I can't help if I have Gypsy blood...... Checked my passport and it is still good.....And this little picture made me can I lose 20 pounds in a week???.. Hope I can still get in my last years bathing suit......?.

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