Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Be where you are when you are there"........Dallin Oaks
LIFE.....Seize it and make it amazing....Have adventures......Find your voice.....Ask questions......Use your imagination.....Make a difference.....Surround yourself with good friends......Be kind and generous.....Discover your passion.......Make mistakes......Take chances.......Follow your Dreams.....Today is the day, don't let it pass you by.
               As I look back over this list of things Life should be......I can happily say I have been there done that with most the suggestions!  I have been terribly lucky.......Traveling has made possible so much of it, having a wonderful family and many good friends have added much........I have made mistakes, I have taken chance.....many.....and I have always followed my dreams......and today 82 years young and into the latter days of my life I do have the faith that everything will work out for the best.
           Tomorrow is bridge at my house so today has been busy making, desert, salad and the casserole and finishing cleaning the house.....yes it is a lot of work......but so rewarding!  I love my little bit of heaven that I have created here at 6298 Madrid.  My dog, my gold fish, my plants, my fountains, my four walls that keep me safe and warm.  I am so lucky and my gratitude journal is full.........I intend to make every day even better than the day before.   And I never forget to thank God each night!

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