Thursday, April 10, 2014


As Doctor Phil say; "Every pancake has two sides.".........I love this thought on what Erasers can be used for.  If you just try and erase your mistakes and never correct them and try again.....are you learning anything?  Raise your PQ to live longer.......feel happier......and be more successful!  What is PQ?  PQ is short for " positive intelligence quotient,"...... it is a measure of how many upbeat, positive thoughts you have compared to self-doubting ones.  Psychologists say higher PQ scores area linked with greater success and are even shown to help you live 10 years longer!  In fact, "research shows your PQ is the single greatest predictor of how happy you are and how much of your potential you reach."
An important way to do this is to nix negative thoughts is to turn off your  'survival brain'----the part wired for worry and turn on your 'sage brain'----the set of calmer wiser thoughts.  Simply make it a point to focus on one sense----sight, sound touch, hearing or smell for 10 seconds a few times a day. Taste your food, smell the flowers, listen to the birds.......Focusing on your senses is proven to create pathways in your brain that slash stress and strengthen your immune system.  You will feel happier when you explore your world.....exploration boosts your joy and is proven to rev positive intelligence.....How?.....It gives your brain the novelty it craves and literally keeps you young by producing new neural pathways!
That is why I am who I am......I don't want my kids and people saying...."She is such a nice little old lady".....I want
 them to say "Oh Crap, what is she up to now?????"
Scottie was back to the hospital and has a miserable virus......I was going to tend him for a while today, but Karrie is afraid I will catch just hanging out.   Another beautiful Spring day.

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