Saturday, April 26, 2014


I have been a faithful reader of Robert Kirby's column for a long time......I relate to many of his views......He says that he has found in different meetings people come up and tell him......many things in the Mormon religion are perplexing to them.........he admits that some things that came to his mind, that were perplexing to others, were also to him......and me.  The list includes it written in the scriptures or just some presidents decision for more beds to sleep in legally???? The priesthood.......I am happy some men have been given certain powers, but I don't approve how they lord it over their wives and children as if they think they are God!....... I don't like how any church treats women as second class citizens, most churches do.  Racism......What made one president say blacks weren't  good enough for the Priesthood and another decide they were?????? A scripture some where? I consider Visions as dreams and think anyone can have a vision, you need to be worthy of God's time to have one.  Tithing, yes a very good idea, which is an ancient rule.  Gold Plates and that story.....well they produced something that is real.....where so many things the church does is .......the President (a man) , decides on Obama does with the Constitution!! Angels.......  Oh Yes, I have several loyal angles that have helped me through some hard times and still help me stay safe and well every day......welfare projects.......I commend who ever the man was that had this vision.....our Church has one of the best.  Home teaching......I don't feel the people who are assigned to do it enjoy it anymore than the people who they visit do.  Why not just be a good neighbor to everyone and check on them that way?  Certain clothing like there a scripture about them or did Brigham Young just decide one day he needed a business for the many women to work in......I will never understand them. Missionary service.....I give those brave young men and women who give up two years of their young lives for others all my love and admiration......Baptism for the Dead?....One question.....If God is fair and just wouldn't he take care of these people when they die?  Gay marriages......if it means so much to these people.......why do we care what they do?  Temples,......there has always been temples and each religion use theirs as they see fit......why question the Mormons about theirs????  And testimony meetings really bother me...... Don't ever invite a person investigating the church to go on Fast Sunday.......promise it will scare them off for good........I feel how I believe and feel is between God and me and not spouted off  to many people to make me look good.  Thank goodness my kids understand ......poor grandma just doesn't get it.......Hope God does.
Cold rainy day.......Annie gets home from her trip to India with YMAD tonight.......yea!

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