Saturday, April 19, 2014


Yep......on  this 82nd birthday I want everyone to know I am still "Sassy, Classy, and still Kickin' Assy!"........I'm loving life, healthy, happy and have a heart full of gratitude for my many blessings.  I have a wonderful family and enjoying life though my 9 grandchildren.  Today, one is in of my favorite places in the world......muy bueno......and one in India ......which wasn't my favorite place, but very interesting.  I am spending the day with the for a hike, a movie and dinner. The Panniers in St. George and the Christensons in Lake Powell. I have heard from many friends and family who really care, no such thing as too many friends.
Yesterday was a great day also.....Coffee and lunch with two really good friends and old neighbors.....Patty Beltz and Ruth Anthony birthdayed me.  Then last night a fun movie with the Cooks and a wonderful dinner.  I feel really spoiled.
                     "There seems to be more reasons to be happy everyday.  Jackpots, windfalls and lucky breaks are wonderful----but I don't need them to be happy!  Every day brings new reasons to give thanks, more blessings to count, and joys.  Big or small, they're always there, waiting to be noticed.....Waiting for me!"  I do hope to have a few more birthdays but that is God's will.....not mine.

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