Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This is just half of my 6 grandsons......that I have had the privilege to help with and watch grow up.....Kennedy 16, Alex 21 and Brayden 19 (almost)..... Christenson. Never having any boys I have learned a lot about boys, thanks to all of them. Asking any of my three daughters they could fill in a lot of interesting goings on.
Handprints on cupboards and shoes in the hall.
Toilet seats up and there is mud on the wall.
Every sports channel to them will appeals
And the front room doubles as a football field.
The selves in the kitchen are continually bare.
There's boys on the couch and jeans on the chairs
Wrestling and mud and cars and noise.......
I am sure you can guess....
I am the Mother of Boys!
I am so happy the girls have been good, patient and understanding Moms and have raised wonderful boys that I am very proud of.  2nd of April and I am watching the biggest snow flakes ever falling out my back window......Thought about doing some chores but may not even get out of my jamies today!

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