Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I thought I had made it through the  year without getting sick, but this morning woke up unable to breath....bad sinus cold has hit me.......All my family have had various degrees of colds and even strep throat, bad coughs, and sinus......but I guess I spoke to soon.  I found this little receipt that looks like it might work.......something my grandmother would recommend too.  In Richie's letter to the family this week he confessed he had come down with a cold.....his first since he had been on his mission in Mexico......One of the members recommended honey and lime juice and he said he really thought it helped......so will get right on this.  Got to clean house today for the luncheon on Thursday.  Maybe even a little nap.  A bright spot in my morning was reading the blogs of my granddaughter's group who just went to India for a couple of weeks to work with the Children in Hibji.........They are all in cultural shock and in awe of the poverty and yet complete happiness and contentment of the people there.   I say and have said many times.......there is no education for a child like travel.  I can hardly wait to see Annie's comments when it is her turn to write us all.

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