Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today Pam and I took a trip to Provo, Utah to see this wonderful exhibit of Religious Pictures from the castles and churches in Europe at BYU.......we were smart and rented the earphones and narratives about each one......made it very real!  I say thank you to the people who allowed these gems to be removed from their homes and churches for us to share.  I have been lucky and enjoyed many trips to Europe and seen
Wmany churches with fabulous art......nice to have some so close to home!   Lunch at the Olive Garden and home to a storm coming into Salt Lake......
Do you know 50 years ago today....1964...... I was at the 'worlds Fair' in New York City....The first.  Enjoyed the fun and excitement of it all on our way to Europe.  Tasted a Belgium waffle for the first time!
Why do I BLOG every day?????  Well I have always been a 'Journaler'
......but with a blog I can add pictures so I am now a blogger.......My Blog is for passing the time when insomnia strikes and my brain is circling in on itself,  cannibalizing the trivialities of the day and exaggerating the ticking of the clock, reminding me that every minute spent awake is another minute closer to when I'll have to get up, though many of the great artists and sages were insomniacs and that's part of how they get so much done, so if I can't sleep I might as well write and channel my misery into something productive!
Every three months I have my monthly blogs printed into book form......so my journal....(blog) will always be around for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren....HA .....STILL WAITING!

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