Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I always say you can't have too many friends.......!  Why do I have such a variety of acquaintance who are all so different in character?  How can I get along with them all?  I do know that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me.  With one I am polite.....With another, I joke.........There is one who likes to talk about serious matters.....another makes me laugh a lot......I also hear about problems and listen to their advice for me.
These folks are like jigsaw-puzzles, but when completed they form a treasure box----a complete picture.  They often understand me better than I understand myself and have no qualms about supporting me through good days and bad. 
Even Doctors are now advising that this is good for overall health.  One of my favorites......Doctor OZ .... calls these allies "VITAMIN F".....(for friends and family).....and counts them as essential to well-being.  Research also indicates that anyone in a strong social circle has less risk of depression and terminal strokes.  These so called Vitamin "F's" can make us look and feel 30 years younger than our real age.  So Thank You God for FRIENDS......
Today I am off to one of my favorite groups of of my bridge clubs.....girls I love, laugh with, cry with and have shared our lives with for many, many years.  A fun lunch, a few games of bridge and lots of catching up since last month's club.  Our 70's have dropped into the 50's......Spring get here! 

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