Friday, April 4, 2014


I Love Friday........and Saturday and Sunday.....weekends have never been my favorites as they are usually quite lonesome.....but I have found many interesting things to occupy me now days!......and have seen more of my kids.   We all know the story of the caterpillar becoming a is magical.  Caterpillars are not alone.  People struggle to experience their true potential in becoming fully character ed human beings as well......can we lift ourselves from this muddled existence?  We wonder.......
Yes, "Recreate yourself...Discover your passions.  Complete your purpose in life." At every turn in life we face ourselves.  Caterpillars who learn to fly, listen to their instincts and voice of truth.  Each individual must decide to accept or reject his or her personal flight.  Some prefer to continue crawling, like the caterpillar, in established, ruttish patterns of despondent comfort zones.......Some find pleasure enough in merely observing others in flight, satisfied to experience life through the eyes of another.  Some fly for a brief time, but ill prepared, fall victim to unrealistic expectations and ignored danger in their unfamiliar and, perhaps, somewhat heady role of being a butterfly. Still some embrace the challenge to fly and humbly experience new and rewarding horizons throughout their lifetime!  Whatever you are in life.....listen to your inner core and fly.  You do have a choice!
Today my Scottie took a day off from school to help a friend celebrate his birthday skiing....his mother called from the Primary Children's Hospital to report she and Scottie were there.....He has a bad concussion and will be spending the night there.......No more skiing this year for Scottie. or LaCross for six weeks........ and I am praying it isn't too serious.  I am also praying the Panniers, Hortons and my sweet Alex doing rock running in Moab in their "razors".....will stay safe.
I had a good day ....".Doing my Secret Service"!

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