Tuesday, February 28, 2017


That is really me.......If I feel like wearing a bra I do.......If I don't .....I don't!.......Right now my poor face looks like a piece of raw meat......I should stay hidden for six weeks......but I could be dead by then.....so off to the store I go......Take me or leave me, I probably will never see most of you again......and if I DO......I really don't have leprosy.....just bad reaction to my face treatment......All the fun Spring things are coming out in the stores......and you know me.
I was going to go and see "THE WALL" with Rob tonight but he found out he was having some furniture being delivered so canceled......which was OK with me as I look so awful.  Today being the last day of February I need to get on my bills.........When they say March....I think of daffodils and Spring close by.  I am so ready......it snowed yesterday and more forecast. Be patient Betty!  Took the Hills some goodies today for snow blowing my sidewalk and drive way.......wish I was a cookie maker, but I don't think it is going to happen in this life time.......DID YOU KNOW?  A study found the DUTCH  the best-rested folks in the world.....clocking about eight hours and 12 minutes  of sleep rewires neurons that process emotions, triggering a 60% jump in anxiety and negative thoughts after one sleepless night.......This should start before 11:00 pm......

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