Wednesday, March 1, 2017


If you are lucky enough to wake up each never know what that day has in store for you......Up and at 'em at on, a few games on the Ipad and get Ken up.....scriptures, TV  news and Ken is off.  Pam comes over and tells me she has a companion pass and she, Sher and Tiff and I are going to visit Nicci for Mother's Day and take me.......big reason....... so they can drive me 2 hours to NORTH DAKOTA.......One of the two states I have on my bucket list to get the  50 states done....Yea!...That only leaves Oklahoma and I will have my 50 states in by the time I turn 85 in April and I guess I could take a bus to the border and will have been in all 50 states, 6 of the 7 continents and 120 countries....UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!  What a great life I have led......
ALSO.......Pam pulls out a hundred dollar bill and tells me Don gave it to her to give it to me to help with Ken's food......
when did he start caring about his grandkids?????  I will call him and thank him for it and maybe he can make amends.  Maybe he is a few years late on  that.....Brayden called and wanted to bring a date over to play Mexican Train so I invited them to dinner......WHAT A GRAM?   Tonight is Ken's night with Gram Kay and the Brain Change Class.   Interesting Day.

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