Monday, March 13, 2017


SORRY ABOUT THAT........HAD A DETACHED RETINA  FOR A FEW WEEKS AND DON'T SEE TO WELL!  Slowly the gas bubble is dissolving and my normal sight is suppose to resume.....but until then.......... the postman may be in danger......I had a very quiet weekend....slept for hours and didn't do much.   I did go to dinner at the Panniers on Sunday and when I got home I had a fun surprise.......Sherrie had driven Ken back to Salt Lake for work on Monday and stayed all night with me......those kind of surprises are so fun......She and Ken both left about 8:00 this morning.......but it was great to have them overnight.
I forced myself up and showed and got my nails done today......went to Lowes to get a bolt for my table on the porch....... and thought I would just run by "TUESDAY MORNING".......Well ended up buying two new chairs for my front room.........I have had my eyes on them and was just waiting for them to go on sale.......but I love them and will have some more decorating to do......With turning 85 next month and when I get my income tax back.......I just decided......what the hell Betty you aren't going to live forever.....I keep watching these Flip and Flop shows on TV and they say when you move to a smaller place you also need to down size your furniture......DUH?   I can see that......Ken and I like them and it makes the room look bigger......The two big high back chairs are great in the office......very cozy......and the office chair will match the one downstairs.........!  Been a good day.
We are having beautiful Springy......WISH MY LITTLE SISTER LIVED NEXT DOOR.

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