Wednesday, March 8, 2017


THIS REALLY MADE ME STOP AND THINK.......How many cold and hungry people there re just in our city......much less the world!  I am so lucky.
Had my eye checked today....been 7 weeks tomorrow......and the Dr. said all is well.....still have to give it a couple of weeks to get rid of the gas bubble......Now my face is another and pealing and sore.....but I guess this to will pass.
Had a good time last night with TIFF and appreciate when the kids come by just to visit with gram.  AARON starting to say everything and loves trains.
Waiting for Ken to get home......he does not like Mon and Wed with his other gram and the program she selected for him......Brain Change......hope it works......
Tomorrow is Dominoes Day.......won' t get much done tomorrow!.......Oh well, there is always the next day.....a beautiful 59 degrees today.....can feel Spring.

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