Friday, March 3, 2017


Be thankful for a full vocabulary........But from now on I may call it as I see it.......what do you think I would get if I walked up to the butcher at Smiths Food and said....."how much is your cow's ass today?"  Well this made me smile and I am sure that is what it was meant to do........
A THOUGHT;.......Yesterday on my way home it was cold but there was this beautiful blue sky with not a cloud in it and I looked up to see this big white contrail being made as this plane full of people were off for different, work, see family or going home.....who were they, each would have their own story.......and the pilots?......Were they young, old, have families and normal lives and did they enjoy their jobs?  After being on many airplanes through my life, and mostly off to fun or exotic places to enjoy something new and is something I think of when I see a plane up there in the blue.......and being a stewardess and then married to a pilot of definitely brought back memories.
The boys are off to Vernal this afternoon for the weekend........feeling like Spring is around the corner.  My new neighbor.....Susan Stotte came over last night to introduce herself and we found out we grew up close to each other......she is from the four corners area too.....Farmington, New Meico.

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