Saturday, March 11, 2017


         A great weekend.....done nothing......doing nothing.......not planning on doing any thing. It is really nice weather and I would really like to get out and enjoy it....BUT.....I can't get past the bed without laying down!!!!  My best friend Patty came by.....yes I laying down.....but she understands me and never cares how I look or how the house looks as long as I have a hot cup of coffee available......which I always do!
       This picture sooooo......describes my 5 days a week.  Up at 6;30 to let the dog out and make a cup of coffee before I get Ken up at 7;10......It is quiet and until lately been dark.....I just sit and tell myself all the things I need to do that day......or not.  I like me and my quiet time.....and need it.  I get Ken up, we have the blessing and do our scriptures while he eats, then to the news on TV and then get Ken off to Tracks for his trip to Temple Square where he works in the Postal Department.......THEN......4 out of 5 days......I go back to bed for an hour or two.   What is wrong with this picture?????  I am afraid I am taking this being 85 next month to the limit.....Where is the exercise time.....the meditation time......the house cleaning time.....the volunteering time etc.?  I am in need of some help..... should Dr. Phil?  AND THEN I REMEMBER I HAVE TO CHANGE MY CLOCK TONIGHT!  Have been invited to Pannier's for dinner tomorrow night......I will be here!

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