Saturday, March 4, 2017


     There are  classes you can take to preform, to impress, etc  and do things that are not the real you......But wait a minute, you say, Preform like actors?  Be who you are not?  Isn't that inauthentic?  I always felt the best road in life was to to be ...."the real me"......Now look at it another way......what if there isn't a "real me?"......Think of some of the scnnarios in your life.........Your daughter puts her first new born in your arms for the first time.......A state trooper pulls you over......You hear a good friend died.....If you are advised to be "yourself" each of these situations, You might ask ,"which self?"........To be authentic in each of these scenarios, you draw on different versions of yourself......and none of them are phony......they are all you.  None of us has just one self....each day we are presented with situations that are new and cause us to craft new versions of ourselves......we kinda create who we are and who we are becoming.....Sometimes we have to preform who we are are not.....YET!.....The real me has to preform in ever-expanding ways day by day......whoever thought I would call my X and thank him for the hundred dollars he gave to  me to help with Ken's mission.....Life is so interesting so I am committed to go with the flow!!!!!!

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