Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Been a busy day......Patty came for coffee this morning, then after lunch off to the credit union and to the bank, then to grocery shop.....the wind is fierce today although it is 60 degrees.  Stopped and got the mail and it started me thinking....how sad it is that my grandchildren will never know the"power of a letter".........now with skypeing, texting, tweeting etc.......taking a pen or pencil to paper seems like a lost art......and a stamp is almost 50 cents.....compared my day when they were 3 cents.....Letter writing was big when I was growing up........letters from boy friends, letters from your parents when you went away to college and got married and letters from siblings or friends.  The simple art of the anticipations of getting a letter......opening the envelope and unfolding the pages with their magic words filled you with excitement......someone cared, someone thought about you......mail was the magic cord that connected you across the distance........And, when the last words have been read, we can refold the pages and tuck hem away for another day to read and reread.  Although the paper may yellow and edges may fray, a letter will always be timeless  It is still a comfort to read the letters I got and have kept from my mother and father.  I do get a quick line or two of thank you gram from the grandkids and kids......somehow it is not the same, although I really look forward to them with the same anticipation!
Almost 5 weeks since my eye was operated on and a little over 3 more weeks till the gas bubble dissolves and hopefully I can see again.....

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