Monday, February 20, 2017


      Not so  long go this could have been me........or my mother.......but it definitely was my grandma!
I recognize the syrup pitcher, the rot iron skillet, the coffee pot setting on the warming tray of the stove, looks like potatoes (we ate a lot of them)........ a pot of beans (we ate a lot of them).......grandma would be wearing an apron, had a pocket for her....."hankie".....don't think they had Kleenex when I  grew up.....nice black comfortable grandma shoes and no doubt long cotton socks held up with a garter around the knee!  She loved her kitchen and made the best bread in the neighborhood.  The clock on top was her timer.....Oh and the awful wall paper!!!!!Everyone had wall paper.
     I grew up with a wood stove similar to the one in the heated part of our house, cooked our meals and had a hot water tank behind it that heated our water for dishes and baths! had to be constantly feed with wood or coal.....which we children brought in from the coal shed!
Did we complain.....some, but were thankful for it's magic.

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