Wednesday, February 15, 2017

IT'S MAGIC........

One of my best friends just left after a couple of hours of settling the world's problems and each others over a cup of coffee and a  doughnut........ and she did make the comment.......My back even feels better now..... Thankgoodness for Patty.......Oh, and coffee.
Beautiful day, forecast up to fifty degrees today.......I think Spring is just around the corner.  I have been getting ready for my Dominoes Group tomorrow......then caught up with my entertaining for awhile.  I should get out today and walk or go do some Retail Therapy to get some exercise, but just can't get going today.  Had a nice Valentine's day roses and a scarf from the Christensons and the Panniers brought over chocolate strawberries and Ken brought us home chicken pot pies from the Navuoo Cafe for dinner......great roomy.  Families can be such treasures......
You can have treasures beyond measure!  To be rich, you don't have to hit the jackpot, work your way up any ladder or luck out with a surprise windfall, because joy isn't something you can win, earn or buy......It is already yours waiting to be discovered each and every day......Today my joy was having a good friend stop by, seeing the birds are starting to return from their winter in warm weather, having the sun shine and see the temperature rising to 50 degrees.

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