Sunday, February 19, 2017


A RAINY GLOOMY DAY.......the kind that leaves you not knowing whether it is worth getting dressed for..........The kids in Vernal for Presidents Day, the Panniers in Reno......and I don't need anything bad enough to go out in the rain.....tending Bree for the weekend.
I have always loved pictures of a road......who will be coming up it?  If i go down it where will I end up?  Maybe it's the mystery I love.
Is it more fun to wander through life in, out, up and down or have a straight road from birth to heaven.......or not!  I certainly feel I have had many ups and downs.  Interesting peaks into strange countries and different people......I have tried never to leave the road.......staying on the road to God. I had a good family, education been married for 30 years and divorced for 30 years, i have children and grandchildren and a great-grandchild........traveled the world, had good health and many friends.
I am just a gypsie wandering my way through arrive at God's door someday.

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