Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Just thinking now might be a good time to ask the government to think of the women ......in all their new fence ideas, cutting taxes, getting rid of Obama Care etc.  Maybe we should go to Trumps daughter.......
If the government really wanted to do something nice for woman......as they hit menopause the government would send them a gift basket containing things like:......chocolate, wine , PJ's a DO NOT DISTURB sign, Vodka, free replacement glasses for life, a pet, free Netflix for life,free coffee, a landline to find your cell phone and a volunteer teenager to help with your computer. well the list is long and I could go on, but I am sure that once you start over the hill those men in charge could care less about the Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters , Daughters etc. and their problems
There are three solutions to every problem, Accept it.....Change it..... or leave it.  If you can't accept it, change it....If you can't change it.....leave it!

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