Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Maybe it just comes with living a long time......but I try to smile and say "GOOD" when people ask me how I am......knowing full well I'm crumbling inside......so you smile and go on.
Just thinking of some of the good things old people have to be thankful for.......kidnappers aren't very interested in you......No one expects you to RUN anywhere......there is nothing to learn the hard way any more........things you buy now, won't wear out.......you can live without sex, but you can't live without glasses......people no longer view you as a hypochrondriac.......people call you at 8 pm and ask you if they woke you up.......and they usually have.......thoughtful people write in big letters so you can read it......And Oh.......remember never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative the same night!
Went to the Dermetaligist today and he wants me to use some kind of cream every day to take care of all my pre-cancer things......warned me I will turn into raw meat....won't I be great.....can't see out of one eye and now that.....guess i will hibernate the rest of the winter and just get it all over with.
Fifty degrees today but have a fierce wind blowing.

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